

大发彩票平台登录 application includes information about the applicant, 家庭, 以前的学校, 还有艺术兴趣. 国际申请需要额外的信息. Please devote the necessary time to providing the most complete information possible so our admissions office can properly review your application. 好消息是,您可以保存应用程序并稍后返回!


For applicants to the 9th grade, the non-refundable application fee is $89.

For transfer applicants to 10th or 11th grades 和 international students, 申请费用为$150,不予退还.


One of The Academy’s primary goals is to prepare students to successfully audition at the most selective college, 大学, 和音乐学院的艺术课程. 因此, 学生选择一个专注的领域是很重要的, 专注于学科的深度.



1. 音乐剧包括唱歌、表演和舞蹈. Students will need to display an interest 和 talent in all three areas. The Theatre Department is primarily concerned with acting, directing, 和 production.

2. The Music Department has two distinct paths: vocal 和 instrumental. 这个系只专注于古典音乐和爵士音乐. 每个学生都上钢琴课.

3. The Media 艺术 Department is for writers, filmmakers, 和 animators looking to tell a story. Applicants concerned over whether to apply to Visual 艺术 or Media 艺术 should ask whether they are interested in storytelling. 动画专业的学生选修视觉艺术课程, 所以如果他们选择这个专业,他们不会放弃绘画. Students interested in fashion should choose the Visual 艺术 department.

4. 而舞蹈课程主要集中在芭蕾上, 你的试镜不需要是那种类型的. Audition with whatever style of dance in which you are most comfortable.

我不住在芝加哥. 外地的家庭怎么去上学?

This year, about 50% of Academy students commute from outside the city of Chicago. We provide buses from the four major Metra stations (Union, La Salle, Van Buren 和 Ogilvie). A bus picks up in the morning before school 和 departs twice at the end of the day (4:40 p.m. 晚上6点.m.).


At this time, The Academy does not provide boarding; however, The Academy partners with 学生RoomStay全球学校接入(GSA)美国有两个著名的学生寄宿中介项目. GSA supports both international 和 national Academy students who need support in finding homestay solutions close to The Academy.

All international students must live with a parent or legal guardian appointed under the Illinois courts 和/or be under the care of their international service/organization, 不论法定年龄.

更多大发彩票平台国际学生的信息可以在这里找到 在这里.


Yes, The Academy does have a need-based tuition assistance program. Families that would like to apply for tuition assistance do so during our traditional applicant timeline by submitting an application to 事实. Families are eligible to receive a range of assistance based on income, but it is impossible to tell what a 家庭 might receive without going through the application process.


学院的毕业生就读于全国各地的学校. They attend top conservatory 和 大学 programs in all fields. 请参阅我们的 学校简介校友 page to learn more about recent college acceptances 和 graduates.

学院有多大? 典型的班级规模是多少?

今年,我们有大约140名学生. 我们试图建立一个40人的新生班. Some general classes tend to be larger, but most classes have 12 to 15 students. Honors 和 math classes tend to run smaller at about 7 to 10 students.

我的孩子需要接受正式的试音培训吗? 被接受有多难?

学院通常接受大约50%的申请者. 学生必须能够完成 试镜的需求, but that does not mean that they will necessarily have formal training in or outside of school or with other local arts organizations. 在一些艺术学科中,正规培训更为常见, 比如跳舞或音乐, 但不一定是先决条件.

With all of the performances, how much time do students have to devote to homework?

而作业量因年级和班级而异, students can typically expect daily work in each of their academic classes. Academic 和 艺术 faculty work together to account for the large commitment Academy students undertake both academically 和 artistically.


The Learning Resources Department at The Academy is designed to provide academic support to students in consultation with their teachers. 另外, the director of The Learning Resources Department is responsible for the case management of students whose families have submitted documentation of school-related learning issues.


No. The Academy is an independent school 和 t在这里fore not subject to the laws that apply to the public school system. 我们确实有很多楼梯,我们的学生也很活跃.

告诉我更多大发彩票平台的开放校园. 学生可以离开一整天吗?

学院是一个开放的校园. Students are welcome, within limits, to leave during the day to eat lunch around the neighborhood. Most of our students bring lunches 和 snacks from home 和/or use delivery apps during inclement weather.


Completing the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) or Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) is a required part of the application process, but the entire application is considered holistically in making an admissions decision. Students may retake the ISEE or SSAT if they believe they can improve their scores. Students may also submit other st和ardized test scores with their applications, 但不能代替ISEE或SSAT成绩.

了解更多有关 ISEESSAT.


Academy students routinely score above the state 和 national averages on st和ardized tests. The ACT is the most commonly taken college entrance exam at The Academy, 在2017-2018学年, 学院学生的ACT综合平均分为25分.比全国平均水平高25%. (2018-2019年成绩将于秋季公布).

Furthermore, nearly a third of The Academy graduates pursue a non-arts major in college. Students find that a robust academic 和 arts education prepares them for a wide range of academic majors, 应届毕业生将进入茱莉亚音乐学院这样的学校, 普林斯顿大学, 云母, 和斯坦福大学, 为各种各样的道路做好了充分的准备. 我们的校友不仅包括格莱美奖得主和百老汇明星, 但物理学家, 律师, 计算机程序员, 企业家, 执行董事, 以及其他许多领域的专业人士.