大发彩票平台登录是 nationally recognized independent high school for the performing and visual arts.
由约翰·F·肯尼迪总统指定为国家杰出学校. Kennedy Center, The Academy offers students the opportunity to engage in a unique co-curricular program: rigorous, college-preparatory academic classes and professional-level arts training in the context of an unparalleled school culture. The Academy’s school day consists of a modified block schedule of three 75-minute blocks of academic courses and a 45-minute flex period followed by a three-plus hour immersion in a student's chosen arts department: Dance, Media Arts (电影、动画、创意写作) Music, Musical Theatre, Theatre, and Visual Arts. 在大发彩票平台登录, 年轻的艺术家掌握了学术成功所必需的技能, critical thought, 创造性表达.
Quick Facts
该学院是排名靠前的私立学校之一,是美国最大的私立学校 #1 伊利诺斯州艺术高中 (Niche, 2023).
从2017年到2022年,210名毕业生的收入接近 $47 million 获得了大学奖学金,并被全国最好的大学录取, universities, and conservatories, from CalArts to Juilliard; from Stanford to Princeton.
学生参加的活动超过 100 productions 贯穿整个学年的课程, including concerts, plays, readings, screenings, recordings, and exhibitions.
学院的学生通常在标准化测试中表现优于同龄人. 2020年和2021年学院毕业生的ACT综合平均成绩为24分.7, 18% higher 低于全国平均水平.
Academy students demonstrate high readiness for college (as demonstrated on the ACT exam), 在各个方面都超过了全国“大学准备”的平均水平. The percentage of Academy graduates meeting all four college readiness benchmarks was 比全国平均水平高出127%. 在学院阅读更多大发彩票平台学者的信息 here.
53% 学院的学生从芝加哥城外通勤.
About 2/3 学院的毕业生将继续从事艺术工作, 而三分之一的人攻读科学, the humanities, business, and more.